Monday, September 29, 2008

It's Arts and Crafts Bad

I am very nervous about the economy right now - as is everyone else. It's actually something that I am actually following on the news and online (please pick your mouth up from the floor). People are losing their jobs, they aren't able to retire, credit is going out the window - it's pretty bad. However, nothing was more disturbing when I saw what my father had been working on recently. As I walked onto the porch of my parent's house in NJ I all of a sudden see all of these art supplies (posterboard, stencils (in all letter sizes), markers, a ruler, etc.) It was a la one of my 5th grade projects that I worked so diligently on.

As I got a closer look I start to make out the stenciled words on the paper. Crayon Colors, Painting and Paperhanging. I am flabbergasted and distraught at what my eyes are seeing. (Crayon Colors is my father's painting and paperhanging business that he has had for oh let's say maybe 25-30 years?) I turn to my mother and say "What the hell is this" and she starts to laugh and explains that my father went out and bought these supplies at staples to make signs to hang around town. I said "WHAT!?" Are you kidding me? Ok even I know how to make a sign on publisher with a little clip art - nothing fancy and then can take it to Staples to have some nice color copies made.

And the word price was cut off at the end of the sign. Like when you didn't judge how long your ruler line was and started your bubble letters all nice and big and fluffy and when you got to the end of "Sarah Loves Johnny Forever" it's really more of a "Sarah Loves Johnny Fore" oh shit I ran out of room.

The worst part was my dad started to completely justify his crafty sign making. I believe his exact words were "People are looking for cheap these days" and his hodge podge sign would attract them to call up his business. Later they come to find out either a 12 year old or a gaggle of Mexicans is running his shop based on their advanced marketing pieces.

I had to take a picture just for you to see this horrible sight. I then took the sign back up to Providence with me to make a new one on publisher or gasp maybe even photoshop (which my father would probably think was an actual photo. shop.)

So folks - you know things are bad when my father has resorted back to the 5th grade to promote his 25 year old painting and paperhanging business. Someone please get this man a glossy flyer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, so he's not instep with the times. He's just acting his age! I like this guy. No shame, just being real.