Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Santaglas

So in between reading the 3rd book in the Twilight series (yes I am still obsessed, my mother had to slowly back me away from the Twilight display at Borders that was equipped with a full stock of Edward t-shirts) I traveled home from RI to NJ to celebrate Christmas with my family. Sometimes it's hard to get in the spirit when you are at the age that I am. Christmas is so hyped up when you are a little kid that it's sometimes hard to have that same excitement when you are too old for some of the traditions (however I will still be wearing my new christmas eve pjs) yet you don't have a family of your own yet to start the traditions that you enjoyed so much growing up. I was very fortunate that my parents always made Christmas fun and exciting for me and my brother - but of course not without a few hitches along the way.

Christmas 1985 - (Pre-brother) every god damn present under that tree was for me including my full kitchen set which I think is bigger than the own I currently have now.

Christmas 1986 - Now that my baby brother was in the picture the video camera was solely on him and all you could hear in the background was me saying thank you incessantly desperate for any attention. I occasionally gave him a piece of wrapping paper to play with. I'm so giving.

Christmas 1988 - The first time we drove down to Florida to visit my grandparents. Happened to also be the first blizzard Georgia and Northern Florida had seen in over 20 years. I couldn't stop crying thinking that Santa Claus wouldn't be able to find us in a motel while we were stranded.

Christmas 1989 - Our 2nd attempt to drive to Florida - my father wanted to get there so bad he hated to make any "unnecessary stops" along the way. Which resorted to my brother being so thirsty he started drinking out of my doll's baby bottle (which I had to throw up to the front to him since I was traveling in the way back of the suburban with the luggage) (cause my brother got car sick and needed the whole back seat)

Christmas 1991 -I couldn't get enough New Kids on the Block paraphernalia including my oversized door poster. Hmm some things haven't changed much.

Christmas 1993 - My father wasn't always the best at putting things together so I put together all of my brother's gifts including a pool table for the basement - who knew I was so handy with the a screwdriver!

Christmas 1999 - My first Christmas home from college all of my clothes had to be returned after I had gained the freshman 15.

Christmas 2002 - My dad got my mom a "shopping spree" for christmas which included a gift certificate to Lane Bryant. That didn't go over well.

Christmas 2006 - In my effort to be sentimental I had a plaque made for my dad's office commemorating 25 years of his painting and paperhanging business. As he opened it he started bawling his eyes out and none of us knew why. As we all sat there in shock we didn't know what to do so we all started crying.

Christmas 2007 - To bring my extended family closer on Christmas Eve I did what I know best - I started multiple rounds of buttery nipple shots.

There were certainly many more wonderful memories over the years and many generous gifts. (Although my mother was famous for "replacing" brand name items for a more value conscious purchase When I asked for Coach I got Goach. When I asked for Tommy Girl I got Johnny Gal. When I asked for Uggs I got Fuggs ("but they are from Australia!" says my mother...)) And even though my brother and I would tease each other and argue over the holidays last night I found a letter he wrote to Santa all by himself when he was 7.

Dear Santaglas,

I am 7 in a half (then there was an arrow and it said look up and he had added the word This which i think was to start the next sentence) (This) You will find on chrismise eve and give my sister a extra prezint ok, and give me another note ok and santaglas write on the back of this papaer and eat my cookeis if you want to.

from c.f.
to santaglas.

And that is what Christmas is all about.

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