Saturday, August 15, 2009

Part Two: The Sighting

So after we recovered from that memorable and weird night at 212 Waterman we had a big day and night in Providence planned. The highlight of the night was taking Southern Belle to our new favorite spot - Luxe Burger Bar. It recently became Luxe and even though we love it just as much (maybe even more)- this was an old fave from when she lived up here when it was formerly citron. So we thought it would be perfect for us to take her there.

It was the Fab Four back again - Me, T, Southern Belle and Foxy White. It was a beautiful night and it was also WaterFire so the city was busy with lots of people out and about. I decided to wear my fun, colorful, strapless cocktail dress - I was a little doubtful because I felt like I was going to a wedding( maybe because i did wear it to a wedding. make that two weddings.) but decided to wear it anyway. So we sit down at our table outside and not even 2 minutes later Foxy White says to me - don't we know that guy over there in the black shirt?

And as she is saying this I look over my shoulder and there he is. The most recent heartbreak. Which is what mine did - again. We hadn't spoken since our "break up" (if that's what you can call it) via text message almost 3 weeks ago. I absolutely froze. This is probably one of the worst social moments a person can have. So of course we immediately formulate a plan. Since there were crowds all around Foxy White placed herself near where he was and pretended to make a phone call. When he turned to go back to his group she "ran" into him. Of course he asks who she was with (I swear he spotted me before this whole run in and tried to pretend i wasn't there). She of course tells him she is with me among others and he says he will come by. THANK GOD he was not there with another girl. I literally would have died. However I don't know how much better it was that he was with his brother and sister in-law and some friends - there was a day when I would like to think that I would have been a part of that group. So anyway he goes back to his friends and foxy white comes back to the table. I have completely lost my appetite at this point and am so at a loss for what to do that I am just staring ahead in some complete fog. Minutes go by and he's not coming over. So my friends eventually say for me to be the bigger person and go over there myself. I felt like i had to oil myself like the tin man to get my joints to move as I confidently (what i hoped looked like confidently since i felt like a baby fawn walking on new legs) walk over to him and his friends. As soon as he sees me he comes right over and hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. Then he starts rambling about how he was going to come over...blah blah blah..didn't want to get yelled at by crossing the ropes to where i was sitting (like there is restaurant police). Then he tells me I look nice. (although i was happy i looked good i was totally regretting looking like i just did the electric slide) This whole interaction is completely surreal. All I kept thinking was - was this really happening?

I'm not going to recount the entire conversation - we talked about our condos, work, we recounted with his friend about how fun our night in newport was etc. i went with him to check on the status of their table with the hostess. this was the point where we were by ourselves and i had the chance to say something. but what would i have said? you hurt me? you made a mistake? why did you have to do that over text message? i keep telling myself that whatever i would have said it wouldn't have changed the outcome.

it made me think of that movie that's out now which i LOVE - 500 days of summer. the boy is in love with a girl and she has dumped him - he runs into her randomly and she invites him to a party that she is having. when he goes to the party there is a split screen and one side is his expectations of what he wants to happen at the party and the other is the reality. (of course the two are dramatically (and depressingly) different). i kept thinking that was what this was like. in my expectations screen he would have seen me - felt horrible, wanted to explain himself more, and then realize upon seeing me that he did make a huge mistake and wanted to know if i would forgive him. However of course we know that didn't happen. In my reality screen we finished talking, i went back to my table where i proceeded to get choked up, somehow made it through dinner, watched him laugh with his friends while he ate dinner wishing that i was sitting next to him, and then awkwardly talked to him at the bar before he left that ended with hugging me while i said "it was good to see you" and him saying "you got it"(are you kidding me?). Then I proceeded to hold up the line in the bathroom while I bawled and tried to pull myself together. There is no worse of a feeling when your heart hurts so bad you can barely swallow.

Thank god i was with my girlfriends. They of course gave him a few zingers while i stood calm and collected. In conversation he referred to his friend as being "ten times worse than him" in the dating department and foxy white wittingly socked him with - "what? fucked up in the head?" LOVE IT. I of course wanted them to knock him down more but was convinced by them that it was the perfect amount of zing.

So in true Sex and the City fashion T decides that we need to round this night out with some good old pot. Me being the pot virgin thinks that this is an excellent idea. We make arrangements with our bartender friends to come by when they are done with work for our little pot party. Meanwhile we need to pass some time so we head over to Waterplace for a little dancing (i tried my best to shake my booty even though i wasn't that much in the booty shaking mood) and we all manage to get into a screaming match with these girls in the bathroom. (I don't even want to tell you what started it. Ok - these girls got mad that they didn't get to use the bathroom first since they were on the elevator that led to the bathroom first. I know - RIDICULOUS. We are apparently at a club for 5 year olds.) After I yelled at them and told them to quit running their "bleeping" mouth I proceeded to leave the bathroom and then march right into to give them some more.

T then turns to me and says she knew i was going to be just fine when she saw me stomp right back in there.

So we head back to my apartment, arms clad with munchies and mixers for our pot party. I'm so freaking excited that I'm actually dancing around and reenacting "All my single ladies" for Southern Belle. We also pass time by doing the "pencil test" to determine whether we need to wear bras (not for the party. haha. but just in general) (i don't know, ask someone from the south about it). And then the text message comes. "Don't hate me, but we can't come." "we don't have a car." Jesus christ - in all of our bathroom girl brawling, pencil test taking, beyonce booty shaking we failed to hire drug dealers who HAVE A GOD DAMN CAR.

So just as Carrie ends her pot smoking escapade after Berger breaks up with her on a post-it note and says (still high on smoking pot) "Oh! Hear that? It's midnight. The official end to what will now be known as 'the day I got arrested for smoking a doobie.' HAHA! I said 'doobie." -- I can say that the night of "the sighting" will now be known as the night that I waited until 4:00 am for pot from a carless drug dealer.

And failed a pencil test.

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